We Climbed Mount Ararat

The 26th of August, 2005, the day we raised the Armenian flag on the summit of Mount Ararat, remains a significant day in my life. This site was created after the ascent to the summit and describes my views, feelings and experiences throughout our trip.

The idea to climb Mt. Ararat originated in 2002 when an American team planned an expedition, and I intended to join them together with my Armenian friends from San Francisco. That trip never materialized because we couldn’t obtain the required permits from the Turkish authorities to climb Mount Ararat.

Three years later the Greek Mountaineering Federation, EOS Aharnon organized two expeditions. Upon hearing of this planned expedition, my enthusiasm was enormous and I lost no time to secure my participation.

Why Ararat

As I am not an experienced climber, I knew full well that I was taking a risk by joining this expedition. Nevertheless, Mt. Ararat, also known as the Holy Mountain, has a particular significance for me, both as an Armenian and as a Christian. 

The image of Ararat has been engraved in my life from my early childhood days. For Armenians, Mount Ararat is something much more than a mountain. It’s a national symbol that embodies thousands of years of Armenian survival and inspiration; and is present in every book, song, poem and painting. It’s almost larger than life, it’s a “Myth!”

My effort to climb Mt. Ararat is dedicated to every single Armenian soul on this universe.

Finally, this Web Site is dedicated to my Parents:
Varoujan & Angel Knouni